1. The state of having paid work
dia - Greek preposition
1. Through
2. By means of
We believe that employment is essential for thriving communities and individuals. It lifts people out of poverty, gives them autonomy and contributes to a sense of fulfilment and well-being.
In fact, access to decent work is considered so important that it is a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal.
Mploydia exists to transform lives and communities through employment!
We believe that people's ability to access work should not be limited by virtue of where they were born or to whom they were born. The opportunity to become work-ready and demonstrate that readiness to potential employers should be available to all.
Mploydia exists to help people get work-ready and access the best jobs.
We believe that solving all of these challenges is not possible for one organisation on its own. Change will occur when thousands of well-equipped and empowered individuals, teams and organisations leverage their ability to innovate and their knowledge of local needs.
Mploydia exists to support and serve those who are tackling these challenges, across the world.
© 2025 Mploydia is a trading name of Innovatus Leadership Consulting Limited, a company registered in England and Wales at 2nd Floor, 4 Finkin Street, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6QZ.